OECD Ministerial: Registration Open
March 14, 2016
The OECD has opened the registration process to attend the Ministerial Conference on the Digital Economy: Innovation, Growth and Social Prosperity, to be held the 21-23 June 2016 in Cancún (México). The CSISAC encourages civil society participants to engage in the preparatory work and to register for participation in the Ministerial. This post provides the basic information on registration, logistics and travel support to participate in the Ministerial.
Registration and Logistics
Participation in the Ministerial and connected events, including the Civil Society Forum on the first day, will require registration in advance. Registration is needed for all participants, including those invited by the OECD or by CSISAC, and it needs to be managed personally by the involved person.
Registration deadline is June 3, 2016. A maximum of 100 participants will be allowed to register for the Civil Society Forum. CSISAC members planning to attend are strongly encouraged to contact the Liaison so to ensure attendance as part of the CSISAC delegation.
The registration process, including deadlines, is entirely administered by the OECD through an official Ministerial site. The CSISAC do not manage the registration process. Registration for the Ministerial and connected events, including the Civil Society Forum, can only be done individually in the following link: http://www.gob.mx/economiadigital/en/
There is no registration fee to participate. Travel, lodging and any other costs are expected to be provided by participants on their own. Hotel booking must be done individually by each participant in addition to the registration process. The main venue of the Ministerial conference is to be located in the 'Moon Palace' meeting complex in Cancún. Those pursuing cheaper alternatives in the city center should consider as well transportation to the venue.
Travel Support
The Steering Committee of the CSISAC is looking for opportunities to support travel costs of CSISAC members planning to attend the CSISAC Forum. A travel fund is planned to be available thanks to the contributions made by the Ford Foundation, the Open Societies Foundation and the Government of México among others. The priority to distribute the available fund among the eligible participants will be decided according to the following criteria.
- Criteria 1: Goal alignment. Priority will be given to participants showing engagement with the goals of the Civil Society Seoul Declaration and involvement in the preparation of the Forum and the Ministerial.
- Criteria 2: Capacity building. Priority will be given to participants belonging to and representing established groups. The purpose is to encourage participation from groups that stand to benefit the most and develop capacities at the forum. In the case of individuals, activists will get priority over experts and scholars.
- Criteria 3: Regional diversity. Priority will be given, in this order, to groups from 1) Latin America, with priority to those operating in OECD countries, 2) Africa, 3) BRICs.
Support for travel is decided by the Steering Committee of the CSISAC and requires the approval of a travel budget in advance to the event. Approved travel budgets are to be reimbursed after the event only, so participants need to purchase travel tickets and lodging on their own. Participants are not eligible for travel support when they benefit from funding granted by the same entities sponsoring CSISAC travel to the Ministerial.
Request for travel support is done sending the following information to liaison@csisac.org: i) contact data, ii) expression of
interest stating how participation CSISAC Forum can benefit the
applicant/ organization, iii) short biography showing the engagement
with the Seoul Declaration, iv) a travel budget including transportation
costs and any other requested am mount, v) registration confirmation or invitation letter, if any.
About CSISAC and the OECD
CSISAC is the voice of civil society at the OECD Committee on the Digital Economy Policy. We facilitate the exchange of information between the OECD and civil society participants, leading to better-informed and more widely accepted policy frameworks. The formal recognition of this Advisory Committee by the OECD was the result of an effort initiated in the 1990s decade to promote participation parity in the global policy-making. Today, the CSISAC is the main venue to channel the participation of civil society in the OECD work on the digital economy.
You can learn more about CSISAC visiting the official website, or sending your question to the CSISAC Liaison <liaison@csisac.org>