30th Anniversary of the OECD Privacy Guidelines
February 1, 2010
The year 2010 marks the 30th Anniversary of the OECD Privacy Guidelines. The Guidelines consist of eight principles that have provided the basis for national laws, international agreements, and privacy frameworks that have been adopted around the world. In the Civil Society Seoul Declaration, CSISAC reaffirmed "its support for the OECD Privacy Guidelines as a fundamental policy instrument setting out minimal requirements for the transborder flow of personal data."
To commemorate the anniversary, OECD has planned several events for 2010:
- March 10: OECD Roundtable on the impact of the Privacy Guidelines, Paris, France;
- October 25-26: Privacy, Technology and Global Data Flows, Jerusalem, Israel. The event will be hosted by the Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority, and held together with the 32nd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners Meeting.
- December 1: The theme will focus on the economics and human rights dimension of Privacy, Paris, France.
On January 28, International Privacy Day, CSISAC Steering Committee Member EPIC presented the 2010 International Privacy Champion Award to the Honorable Michael Kirby for his role in the development of the OECD Privacy Guidelines. For more information: OECD: The 30th Anniversary of the OECD Privacy Guidelines.