Towards an Inclusive, Equitable, and Accountable Digital Economy

Cancun, Mexico
21 June 2016

The digital economy has undergone rapid changes since the Ministerial in Seoul. Large, new powerful companies control vast amounts of the Internet. Consolidation continues to outpace innovation. The impact on fairness, equality, and fundamental rights is widely seen. Civil Society proposes to engage the OECD, member countries, and others in a dialogue with Civil Society on fundamental social concerns Towards an Inclusive, Equitable, and Accountable Digital Economy. The Civil Society Forum will be held the 21th of June in Cancún, México during the second day of the OECD 2016 Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy: Innovation, Growth, and Social Prosperity (20-23 June, 2016).

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Suso Baleato
CSISAC Coordinator

Webmaster: Caitriona Fitzgerald