OECD Workshop on Protection of Children in a Connected World

July 25, 2018

The Civil Society council (CSISAC) is looking for expressions of interest from civil Society participants to take part in the OECD is planning an Expert Workshop on "Protection of Children in a Connected World".

The workshop will be hosted by the University of Zurich (Switzerland) on 15-16 October 2018. This workshop is organised in the context of the review of the 2012 OECD Recommendation for the Protection of Children Online[http://www.oecd.org/sti/ieconomy/protecting-children-online.htm] . It will examine how the landscape that created the need for the 2012 OECD Recommendation has since evolved. Specifically , it will aim to

· What new opportunities and online risks are emerging in a landscape
where children have become users of all sorts of devices, not just
computers and laptops but of multiple Internet-enabled and connected

· Have regulatory frameworks, policies and educational approaches kept
pace with the new online risks ? Can they be effective in mitigating
the new risks without disrupting children's beneficial uses of the
Internet and online interaction?

· What digital literacy deficits have to be tackled today and what new
critical digital skills are needed to strengthen children's risk
awareness and resilience?

· What are the relevant developments in the area of consent and
controls and what are the implications for policy?

· How can technological developments help build a protective

The workshop will gather international experts including representatives from the OECD, academia, from public and private sectors, policy makers,
representatives of relevant regional and international organisations,
regulators, clinicians and consumers' associations.