CSISAC on Digitalisation at the RightsCon 2017

March 10, 2017

The organisation of the RightsCon 2017 has confirmed the proposal of the CSISAC to organize a meeting for civil society participants to share their view on the priorities of the global digital policy agenda, and setting the way forward towards 2018.

At the meeting, the CSISAC will provide an update about the recent incorporation of digitalisation in the policy agenda of the G7/ G20. This group of countries represent the 80% of the global GDP and the 64% of the world's population, turning the G20 into one of the most relevant arenas for global policy making. The incorporation of digitalisation to the G20 agenda in the 2017 German Presidency, following up on the Hangzhou outcomes, and the prominent role of the OECD in providing evidence base references, opens the opportunity for civil society to engage in the digital policy making directly at the global level.

The purpose of the meeting is to have civil society participants reporting on their respective areas of leadership, to set the way forward in this context. The CSISAC invites civil society organizations, activists and scholars to engage in this discussion to set the way forward towards 2018.